Preparing for storms

Preparing for Storms – Our Customers Had Water

Our customers had water during the big storm.  And, they will have water during the next big event.

Preparing for storms is more important that ever.  The big winter storm in February 2021 hit many hard in much of the south central U.S.  Many families were without water for over a week and some for two or more weeks.  Our customers had emergency water during the storm and will have emergency water during the upcoming hurricane season, or during droughts, or wildfires, or earthquakes, or tornadoes.

Emergency water preparation isn’t new, but the methods of preparing are changing–and for good reason.  In the past, we filled sinks and tubs, found and purchased bottled water, and filled sinks and tubs as the storms approached.  However, times are changing and the climate is too!  It may be time you changed your method of preparing for storms and severe weather.

Are you at risk of severe weather?

Emergency Water Supply
Be better prepared for every emergency

Every part of the U.S. is at risk of a natural disaster–Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, mud slides, wildfires, droughts, etc.  Storms are more frequent and of greater intensity.  The climate is changing, and it may be a long-term change that we simply cannot redirect anytime soon.  We simply have to better prepare.  Constant Water has made preparing for storms easier, better, and even environmentally friendly.

The after affects are more severe and lasting longer.

More severe storms mean more severe damage.  Water and power will likely be out for longer periods of time than in the past.  Even multiple gallons of bottled water are likely not enough for a long-term outage.  Many in the south were without water for weeks.  Will you have enough water for consumption and cooking?  Will you have water for basic sanitation and hygiene?  Will you be able to flush your toilet?

The impacts of the damage may not be immediately visible.

Drastic pressure changes are not good for aging water infrastructures.  Too little pressure on the inside or too little pressure on the outside, can weaken the integrity of water mains.  The damage done to public water infrastructures by the big southern freeze may show itself when the weather heats up to drought conditions and the ground around the water mains dries out allowing them to expand.  During drought conditions a few years ago, some cities in Texas experienced hundreds of water main breaks a day.

It’s getting harder for our public utilities companies to assure their service to you.  They are doing everything they can, but recurring disasters take a toll on providers as well.

When should you begin preparing for storms?  As soon as you can.  You, your family, and your loved ones can be ready for the next storm and every storm after that.  You don’t have to fill sinks and tubs or buy bottled water.  You don’t have to carry buckets of water and risk slipping on wet floors as you try to flush the toilet.  You can have water to every faucet and toilet in your home without buckets or buying dozens of plastic water bottles.

See why so many trust Constant Water systems for their family’s water security.  Let us help you be ready for the next storm and every storm after that!

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