Backup Water Disabled Veteran

VA Grants Help Disabled Veterans Prepare for Disasters

The devastating weather conditions in Texas and many of the central and southern states left millions without power and water. Many of the people without power and water were disabled veterans. We can help, and we are asking for your help.

Changing Climate Impacts Our Disabled Veterans

Disable Veterans Disaster Preparedness
VA grant programs now provide funding for emergency water systems.

The climate is changing. Major weather events more frequent, more severe, and impacting more people including our disabled veterans. Department of Veterans Affairs housing grants can provide funds for battery-powered, whole-house emergency water systems that will ensure a supply of potable water is available for qualified disabled veterans when the power goes out for their water well or public water is unavailable.

The threat of COVID further challenges for our veterans, particularly our elderly veterans.  Merely going out to find bottled water poses increased risk of virus exposure.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Special Adaptive Housing office has determined that battery-powered, whole-house emergency water systems qualify for complete funding under their Specially Adapted Housing and Special Home Adaptation grant programs. These two programs cover a range of modifications to improve safety and living conditions in a home the veteran may own or rent, or live in with a family member—the veteran does not have own the home.

Help Us Spread the Word to Disabled Veterans

We can help. Every year, so many disabled veterans find themselves and their families without water due to power outages, public water system damage, or mechanical failures. We met (virtually) with the VA and they determined battery-powered, whole-house emergency water systems would be completely covered (system, shipping, and installation costs) to qualified veterans at  to them through these grant programs.  Constant Water systems ensure a supply of potable water is always available when a water out event occurs.

More information about the VA adaptive housing grants and the application process is available at VA Housing Adaptation Grant Programs.

We would like your help spreading the word. If you know disabled veterans who might qualify for the VA housing grants, let them know that emergency water systems are fully covered under these grant programs.  Share this information and the link with them.  Or have them contact us directly.

If you are a veteran support group, let’s talk about getting the word out to those you support.

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